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Earn 1ART by Providing Additional Liquidity Prior to the Product Launch
Buy LP on PancakeSwap
To celebrate the upcoming release of OneArt App, we introduce 1ART LP-Farming: Earn 1ART tokens by staking LP tokens of your favorite projects.
Lp Farming
Liquidity Pool
0%Calculator Icon
HAI Icon

Pool Size
Total Staked
0 LP

Lp Farming
Liquidity Pool
0%Calculator Icon
HAI Icon

Pool Size
Total Staked
0 LP


How it works?

LP farming works like traditional farming already available on oneart.digital/earn, but instead of staking simple 1ART tokens, you need to stake LP tokens.

OneArt Icon1ART
Binance IconPair token
LP IconLP Token
What is LP tokens and how to get it
LP token is the asset generated when you provide liquidity on DEXs. In order to get LP tokens you need to add liquidity on selected DEX with 1ART tokens.

Step-by-step guide
on farming 1ART with LP Tokens

In order to get LP tokens you need to provide liquidity both with 1ART tokens & Pair token on PancakeSwap.

BNB LP TokenHAI LP Token
  • Go to  pancakeswap.finance/add
  • Select 1ART + BNB, or use a direct link1ART Contract: 0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
  • Choose how many 1ART tokens you want to add to liquidity, the required amount of BNB will be generated automatically.
  • Approve tokens (if not already approved)
  • Go to  oneart.digital/earn  and stake your LP tokens
  • Enjoy LP Farming and get rewards. You can claim and restake rewards any time on demand.
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Trade 1ART
Pancake Swap


Trade BNB/1ART
Spooky Swap


Trade FTM/1ART